Saturday, March 24, 2012


Practice saying that word. Please. Hemangioma. Say it again. He-man-gee-o-ma. defines a hemangioma as: A congenital benign skin lesion consisting of dense, usually elevated masses of dilated blood vessels. Common nicknames include stork bites, or strawberries. 
Yes, my baby has a big red lump on her forehead. It's hard, large, and looks like a bruise.

No, I did not drop her. Her sister didn't whack her in the head with anything that would leave a mark like that. 

When people meet Wigglebutt for the first time, they usually say something along the lines of, "Oh my goodness look at those gorgeous blue eyes!" followed by, "Aww what happened to your head? Did your sister hit you?"

I appreciate the concern, really I do. It just gets very tiring explaining over and over and over again WHAT is on her noggin. It should go away by the time she starts school, and it's not currently affecting her development at ALL - she's rolling over, reaching, trying to get on hands and knees... everything a 4 month old baby should be doing. 

What I have recently caught myself doing, is photographing her from the side that you CAN'T see the hemangioma on. A little bit of subconcious vanity, maybe? It's certainly not something I think about - in fact, I didn't even notice it until I was searching for that picture. Ooops.

The point is: Wigglebutt is a happy, healthy, smart, gorgeous, and most of all LOVED little girl! She was created with care, in God's perfect image, and according to His plan.

Psalm 139:13-14 says:
For you created my inmost being; 
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
 your works are wonderful, 
I know that full well.

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